Issue 07

Content and trigger warnings for Issue 07 include drug use, reference to murder, reference to abuse, illnesses, sex, death, cremation, and abduction. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list; these are overt themes or events.

We each hold grief in our own way: in hands, in guts, in hearts. Some find it catching in the throat, others trace its numbing tingle down limbs into every extremity, feel it calcified into one's very cells—impossible to ignore. Grief is a thing as much of body as of mind. Right now, as the world grieves, it is even more important that we speak of it without reservation—for how else to let it go, one day, should we be able?

Explore these questions of grief and how we carry it in the words and images of Issue 07 of Reservoir Road Literary Review.

In order by written work with featured photography accompaniments:

  1. “Holcomb” by Oakley Ayden, featuring “Catalina” by Karin Hedetniemi

  2. “Thrombosis” by Karen McPherson, featuring “Protecting What’s Mine” by Greg Turlock

  3. “This One Isn’t About You” by Hailey McLaughlin, featuring “Knothole Peekhole” by Stephen Ground (cover image)

  4. “to my dead name” by Milo Wolverton, featuring “Driftwood Crown” by Devon McConnell Bacon

  5. “Artifacts” by Daniel DeRock, featuring “Grown from Where” by Abigail Campbell

  6. “narmada” by Mekhala, featuring “Tung Wan Beach, Cheung Chau, Hong Kong” by Paul Ruta

  7. “The Absence of Her” by Melanie Kallai, featuring “Cotton Fields” by Karin Hedetniemi

  8. “Self-Portrait: Today’s Menu” by Bill Hollands, featuring “Waterford Night” by Lane Shipsey

  9. “Ashes” by Beth Tillman, featuring “H” by Tyler Wilcox

  10. “Abloom” by Dwaine Rieves, featuring “Hahneberg (Berlin)” by Maroula Blades

  11. “Girl Made of Sand” by Gordon Mennenga, featuring “Shelter” by Laurie Schneider

  12. “All Is Quiet on New Year’s Day” by Jared Pearce, featuring “Till” by Em Harriet