Issue 08
“Quantum physics in the garden”
by Monica Wang
“Salton Sea 3” by Alex Stolis
Touch the ground tentatively with the whole palm as if patting the small of a back, or a small back. Scratch at it so the soft hairs fall away. Let grass give way to digging hands I sit watching, not watching. Turn sore-skinned face down, in self-shade from the sun. Hear hard soil pitter-patter like tiny feet landing lightly back onto the box sealed tightly—so tightly that the cat resting on his sky blue cushion inside, below, once and at once short-lived and forever friend, might once again be alive.
Monica Wang has writing in Electric Lit, Southword, Augur, and PULP Literature, among other publications. In 2019, she was accepted to the Tin House spring intensive; in 2021, she received scholarship offers to two creative writing MA programs. Born in Taichung, Taiwan, she grew up in Taipei and Vancouver, Canada, and is now working on her first novel at the University of Exeter. Find her on Twitter at @crownofpetals.
Alex Stolis is a photographer who lives in Minneapolis.